Skin deep.

– But you already have a tattoo, why do you want another one? It’s not like you can rub it out with an eraser when you’re bored with it – my Mum said when she found out that I’m coming over in January to get inked by an awesomely good tattoo artist in my home town.

Well, she’s right about that. But isn’t that the whole point, though?

Tattoos, that until quite recently were thought of as an attribute of criminals and people living on the margins of society, have become so common that they hardly ever get noticed. But every once in a while, there’s someone who claims that if you have one, you’ll never find a decent job (false), that tattooed women are sluts (false, and don’t even get me started on slut-shaming in general), that you’re going to regret it when you’re old (that one may be true, if it’s a bad one). Generally speaking, though, putting ink under one’s skin doesn’t shock as much as it udes to. It became the norm, although there are people out there who claim that tattooed people just want attention.

I found a funny article the other day, and its author compares deciding to get a tattoo (bad!) to deciding to have a baby (good!), bringing up some of the arguments her Mum used. It’s all very ironic and superbly funny. Go on, read it, you know you want to!

I’m really looking forward to getting my next tattoo. And I know that when I’m old and wrinkled, it might no longer look the same, but you know what? It’s still going to be mine and I’ll still like it. And I will definitely not try to remove it with this: